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"Seven Houses in France" eleberriak harrera ona
2011-11-29 ¦ Argitalpenak
Azaro hasieran argitaratu zen Atxagaren azken eleberria ingelesez, "Seven Houses in France". Harrezkero harrera ona izaten ari da. Hauxe da ingelesez argitaratzen den Atxagaren seigarren lana.
Zazpi etxe Frantzian eleberriaren ingelesezko itzulpena, Seven Houses in France, azaroaren 3an argitaratu zuen Harvill Secker argitaletxeak.
Azken edizio honekin ingelesezko seigarren liburua du Atxagak. Seven Houses in France eleberriarekin batera, lehenago ere argitaratuta zeuden beste hauek: Obabakoak, The Lone Man, The Lone Woman, Two Brothers eta The Accordionist's son.
Atxagaren azken lan hau ere berehala hasi da lehenengo iruzkinak jasotzen egunkarietan. Hona hemen batzuk:
- Atxaga writes with an unusually subtle voice; the understated sense of dread spanning the novel that will keep you turning the page until the antiheroes meet their inescapable downfall at the hands of the very people they consider inferior to themselves. We love this book
- The quality of the writing was very high, but I hated the actions of the central character so much that I struggled to read it. At one point I almost gave up, but the entire book was a bit like a car crash – you know you are going to witness something horrible, but you are unable to avert your gaze. Farmlanebooks
- Atxaga's novel distils a regime synonymous with the rapacious exploitation of human capital. Seven Houses in France is a dark comedy about the vanity of human desires which deftly balances compassion and cynicism. Financial Times
- With his sixth novel, Basque writer Atxaga puts us squarely in Heart Of Darkness territory, although his is a more blackly absurd vision of the world than that of Joseph Conrad. Unsettling, often unpleasant, but undeniably compelling. Daily Mail
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