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Atxagaren azken eleberriak iruzkin onak TLS eta The Independent egunkarietan
2011-12-20 ¦ Hemeroteka
Bernardo Atxagaren azken eleberriak, "Zazpi etxe Frantzian" liburuaren ingelesezko edizioak, oso iruzkin onak jasotzen jarraitzen du.
Duela aste batzuk argitaratu zen Zazpi etxe Frantzian eleberriaren ingelesezko edizioa, Seven Houses in France. Orduan aipatu genuen bezala, hasiera-hasieratik oso iruzkin eta kritika onak ari da jasotzen idazlearen azken lana.
Azken asteotan izan diren iruzkinen artean pare bat ekarriko ditugu hona, The Independent eta The Times Literary Supplement egunkarietan argitaratu direnak.
- Dark river ride by Michael Eaude (The Independent):
Atxaga catches with great skill the feelings of several different characters, though they are all men, all unpleasant and all self-deceiving. Translated from the Spanish (Atxaga and his wife, Asun, translated it from Euskera into Spanish) by the excellent Margaret Jull Costa, Seven Houses is an enjoyable, somewhat frightening novel by one of Europe's best novelists. Don't be put off by its non-Basque theme: Atxaga is still the master of a complex story, told with deceptive simplicity. - Once a week (harpidetza behar da) by Mira Mattar (Times Literary Supplement):
The emotional force and narrative drive of this bizarrely funny and beautifully crafted novel would not be possible whitout Atxaga's remarkable ability to create believable characters. Perharps this is partly because he equips them with full internal lives complete with wild leaps of logic an emotion, fantasies and dreams. His gift for interestin, unusual syntax, his wonderful pacing and surprising, vibrant language give one the feeling of being in safe hands. Seven Houses in France is engaging even for a reader with no great interest in tales of military exploits.