More of Atxaga's poems published in English
24-09-2008 ¦ Poetry
In recent weeks we've had news of various publications and translations of Atxaga's work. In addition to his stories and novels, his poetry has also been in the news these past few days. Here are some recent translations and publications of Atxaga's poetry in English.

The magazine Modern Poetry in Translation has included two of Atxaga's poems in Series 3 Number 8, "Getting It Across", edited by David and Helen Constantine.
American publisher Greywolf Press has also published some of his poems in the anthology New European Poets (introduction by Wayne Miller and Kevin Prufer). In addition, UNESCO's on-line literary magazine Other Voices (Volume 35) recently published a number of Atxaga's poems.
The poem "Death and the Zebras" (Zebrak eta heriotza) has been included in an American anthology titled After Shocks: The Poetry of Recovery for Life-Shattering Events (edited by Tom Lombardo, Sante Lucia Books, Atlanta).
Additionally, Atxaga's poetry will be published in Italian. His latest poem, Clementine, will appear this year in Rosso Primo (edited by Valerio Narboni), a collection of Ricardo Bargellini's paintings accompanied by poems by Bernardo Atxaga, Antonio Gamoneda, Ales Steger, Valerio Magrelli, Clara Janés, Martha Canfield and Lutz Seiler, among others.