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Bernardo Atxaga at the International Literature Festival Dublin

21-05-2024  ¦  News

Bernardo Atxaga has been at the International Literature Festival of Dublin these days. On Sunday, he was in a dialogue with the irish-language writer and editor Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin, in an event chaired by Deirdre Kelly, co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies.

Bernardo Atxaga at the International Literature Festival Dublin

Both minority-language writers examined the ways we speak to ourselves and each other and what is revealed in speech and in silence. Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin is a writer and editor whose work has been recognised by numerous awards. His work has been translated to a range of languages. His novel, Madame Lazare, won an Irish Book Award and a Special Mention from the 2022 jury of the European Union Prize for Literature.

Mac Dhonnagáin talked about Madame Lazare precisely, and Atxaga about his novel Water over Stones. He recited some Basque lines from it's original version, as recorded in this video:

This monday, Atxaga also presented two books in an event at the Instituto Cervantes in Dublin. This was an event in Spanish and the books were Desde el otro lado (Alfaguara, 2022, a collection of four tales), and Exteriores del paraíso (Cuatro lunas, 2023), a translated novel.

Details about these events at the International Literature Festival Dublin website, here and here.