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Iruzkin gehiago "Seven Houses in France"ri buruz: The Guardianekoa eta The Independenteko bigarrena

2012-01-03  ¦  Hemeroteka

Azaroan argitaratu zenetik, Bernardo Atxagaren azken eleberria kritika zoragarriak ari da jasotzen Erresuma Batuan. Azken egunotan The Guardian eta The Independent egunkarien eskutik.

Iruzkin gehiago

Aurreko asteotan aipatu izan dugun bezala, azaro hasieran argitaratu zen Seven Houses in france eleberria Erresuma Batuan eta harrezkero iruzkin bikainak jasotzen ari da bertako prentsan.

Azken egunotan agertu direnen artean beste bi ekarriko ditugu albistegi honetara, batetik The Guardian egunkarikoa eta, bestetik, The Independentekoa (egunkari honetako bigarrena).

  • The Guardian
    This carnival of characters - midgets who have voices like ogres, tyrants who are also poets - is something we have seen before in fiction (not to mention real life). But Atxaga's story is fresh, his treatment of violence psychologically rich. The writing is sharp and often funny, no mean feat given that it has been translated twice before it reaches our hands. Atxaga's translator, the peerless Margaret Jull Costa, must take some of the credit.
  • The Independent
    The great Basque writer travels far from home, but not from his concerns with place, power and the force of dreams, in this mordantly comic explosé of colonial exploitation in Africa a century ago. In the long-suffering Congo, his cast of absurd, deluded European predators prove horribly fascinating.