Elkarrizketa Bernardo Atxagari "Financial Times" egunkarian
2012-10-22 ¦ Hedabideak
Financial Times egunkariak elkarrizketa zabala egin dio Bernardo Atxaga idazleari Zalduondoko bere etxean. Hizkuntzaz, idazlearen lanaz eta Euskal Herriaz jardun dute elkarrizketan zehar.
David Gardner kazetariak bisita egin zion Atxagari Zalduondoko bere etxean, eta joan zen ostiralean argitaratu zuen Financial Times egunkariak elkarrizketa: Basque flourishes amid Spanish divide (itzulpen libre samarrean, "Euskal Herria loratzen, Espainia zatikatuan").
Besteak beste, hizkuntzaren gaiaz galdetu zioten Atxagari. Horrekin batera, Euskal Herriaz, historiaz eta egoera politikoaz ere mintzatu zen idazle gipuzkoarra.
Esan bezala, Financial Times egunkarian irakurri dezakezue erreportaje osoa. Ondoren The Washington Post egunkarian ere argitaratu dute, zertxobait moldatuta; han ere irakurri dezakezu.
Zati batzuk:
"Bernardo Atxaga is a man whose thinking seems to be under constant review. It is very odd to think that, in your own lifetime, your own language was forbidden,
he says, as if the thought had just occurred to him."
"Mr Atxaga is controversial among some Spanish nationalists for what they see as his culturally assertive Basqueness, and looked at askance by some Basque nationalists as well. His views on Basque modern history are not exactly orthodox. Language is usually the starting point."
"Mr Atxaga has written on the transition from Euzkadi to the now more consensual Euskadi, but evidently prefers Euskal Herria, meaning People who speak Basque
. Euskal Herria is like a little belt on the gown of a lady
, he says."
"If there is something that Basque society in its entirety believes, it is that they have been the target of unmeasured and systematic aggression – towards Basques, their language and their culture."
Argazkia: Financial Times.